Monday, May 25, 2015

I love going to the temple.

Happy Memorial Day everyone. I actually forgot it was Memorial Day
until my mom reminded me... Probably because it is cold here.  Yay,
another winter for me because the coldest winter ever in upstate New York wasn’t enough! But don’t worry, I won’t murmur like Laman and Lemuel.

This week was a great week for us. We found a bunch of people to teach and had five investigators in the Capilla. Whoops, I meant church. My brain no longer solely functions in English. Now it is in Spanglish.

So my new companion is also a sister leader so we still do lots of interchanges with other sister missionaries. This week we had an interchange with the other sisters
in our ward. A little funny since we all live together and everything but
still a bunch of fun. I love our little pension of 6 Hermanas.

Hey, guess what? This week we had this guy contact us and ask for a Book
of Mormon, he actually asked us for one. My mouth dropped open. He said he
read something on the Internet about Moroni and now we have a cita (appointment)
with him. I am so excited to teach him.

Also this past Saturday I was able to go to the temple with Hermana Valladares to witness a temple sealing. It was a menos activo couple that was reactivated. The ceremony was beautiful. They were so happy and it just helped me realize my real purpose here in Chile. It is to bring families to the temple, not just to
baptism. Missionary work isn’t just numbers and baptisms; rather it is about
temples and families.

This week was Hermana Yasna Toloza´s birthday - on the same day as my Mom’s (May 21). Go figure, my mom and my mission mom have the same birthdays. We had some cake and sang the Spanish version of Happy Birthday. Which, by the way, is not the same as the one in English, which I found out as we were singing, so I sounded wayyyy off tune. They all just laughed at me and said oh, gringa. Which is a response that I get quite a bit....

To end on a funny note: So I was contacting with Hermana Vergara on
cambios and I go up to one man and I am asked him  "can I give you a card?" (in Spanish and not English) and then he is all like "hey sorry I don’t
speak English" and I am all like "well that’s cool because I speak
Spanish" and he is all "oh ok yeah" takes the card and leaves. Ha-ha I
got him. Gingra power.

Anyways have a good week and enjoy Memorial Day.

Hermana Showalter

PS: If you are planning on writing an email to me please send it before
12pm my time on Mondays because we read our emails in the morning and
then we email back at 5pm. If you email in the morning your response
is going to be a lot better because I can actually take time to think
about a response. Thanks!

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