Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Letter of Pictures.

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A very hot Christmas Eve!


Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Eve Dinner
Christmas Eve
Christmas morning.. very blurry!

Christmas Mission Party

Hermana Stokes saying goodbye.
Hermana Alderete


Going on a Hike at Quebrada de Macul.
Quebrada de Macul

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Since I am talking to the family this week I am going to make it a short email. Here are the highlights of this past week:
1. We did lots of service this week. We cleaned a house of a Hermana in our ward who has cancer and is moving. We helped a Hermano clean his little store. We also folded cardboard boxes for a Hermana that owns a bakery. Service is the best!

2. Javieragot baptized and confirmed this week and everything went smoothy. She is the best and I love her so dang much.
3. On Sunday we went to the Christmas concert at the temple. It was good but more than anything I love just being so close to the temple.  I also so my pal Daniel Rios at the temple. It was so fun to see him. I met him in the CCM.

4. And we saw the cutest puppy! (this is for Tatum)
I hope you all have a wonderful christmas. I love you all and thank you for your prayers, love and support. I couldn't do it without you.
Hermana Showalter



Tuesday, December 15, 2015


It was the half way mark for my mission.  We celebrated!

A Nativity.
I am so excited for Christmas.

I love  Christmas trees and Christmas music and Christmas lights and everything about Christmas!

This week was a pretty calm week but a good one.

On Thursday we did divisions. I stayed here with Hermana Cook and we were crazy busy running every which way.

 Javiera has her baptismal interview and SHE PASSED! So she is going to be baptized this SATURDAY at 11:00am.

On Friday Patty agreed to be baptized on the 16th of January!!!! Patty is 78 years old and is so amazing and has the desire to change. I love her I really do.

Also on Friday it was Hermana Avendaño´s birthday (who is like our favorite hermana) and so we decide to heart attack her door. And while we were doing it her sons caught us! But it was still fun.

Saturday we walked and folded some clothes for an Hermana and then walked a little more. Also we also got A WHOLE BAG FULL OF YUMMY APRICOTS.

Sunday we walked and also passed out Christmas treats to some of the security guards that work in our neighborhood.

Lastly on Monday we helped Hermana Pamela some more and made like 100 cuchfli boxes. Then we visited a less active who just had a baby last week and her baby was SOOOO cute. It made me so sad that I couldn't hold him.

So yep. I love you guys and I hope you guys are having a great December! Remember A Savior has been born. This is the good tidings of great joy. SO BE HAPPY. and serve others.

Hermana Showalter

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's HOT! Don't be jealous, look I have a tan line on my feet! I also found out that I'm a spy!

Hey everyone!

Happy December and Hanukkah. 

This week was great and really HOT! I kind of always forget it is Christmas time because everyone is wrapping up with school and the sun is always out. Here is how my week went:

December 1st: We did a family home evening with the Barbudos and we played the game where there is gum in whipped cream and they have to find the gum and blow a bubble. It was pretty funny and we have a great video. 

December 2nd: We had our transfer meeting and I got to see familia Del Castillo. I love them so dang much and I got the best news that there son Cristobal is now active! Hermana Lopez and I put up our little christmas tree.

December 3rd: We found a less active who we haven't be able to find for the last FIVE months. Also this hippy guy came up and started talking to us. He told us that we work for the FBI and CIA but we didnt know it. His name was Slyvestre. It was a good laugh. We also accidentally crashed Hermana Lucias birthday party and ate some tacos.

December 4th: Hermana lopez and I made banana boats

December 5th: We walked all day but we helped a family decorate for Christmas and we played soccer with them for a little.

December 6th: Javiera and Patty came to church! Also is was the first presidency message. We watched it with Javiera at a members house at 10:00 at night! We stayed up SUPER LATE and went a little crazy. Haha just kidding but it sure felt late.

December 7th: JAVIERA TOLD HER MOM THAT SHE IS GOING TO BE BAPTIZED. This is HUGE. It was such a blessing especially because her mom told her it was fine she just wants her to think about it. So we went out to celebrate with her at My Cafe. 

December 8th: We helped an Hermana make cuchiflies. She has to make like 200000! It was fun. Also we decorated a Christmas tree with another less active.

This week was full of miracles and I am getting so excited for Christmas even though it wont be white.

Also a late happy birthday to Halle and Aunt Jes! I love you all. Take care and remember the reason for the season because A SAVIOR HAS BEEN BORN.
Hermana Showalter

P.S. Thanks Aunt Jesalee and family for the package!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I got a Thanksgiving dinner!

CAMBIO #6 and Hermana Lopez and I are staying in  Violeta Cousiño. Anyways other news:

1. Thanksgiving! We celebrated with some gelato and gave out Thanksgiving cards to some people because NO ONE was home.

2. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Ya know the song Pioneer Children sang as they walked and walked and walked. Change the lyrics to Sister missionaries sang as the walked and walked and walked. That describes those days. Luckily the roads are lined with fruit trees and so I don't walk hungry.  And hey the sun was out so I am getting a nice foot tan line.

3. On Sunday I gave a talk on missionary work in Young Womens. It went pretty good. Either that or everyone lied to me...

4. The Taylor Family made us PUMPKIN PIE. It was so good.

5. Daniel Avendaño goes back on the mission so with his family we celebrated and ate a turkey dinner.  (ALMOST A THANKSGIVING)

6. Constanaza one of our investigators came to church with us and she felt the spirit. She even asked for a blessing.

God has been so good to us. Everyday is not without blessings. Miracles are real. We get them everyday. Look for them.

Also check out this website

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat some pie for me!

Hey everyone! This week is last week of changes so we will see what happens next week. Transfer number 6 is almost done. It is so crazy how fast time is going! Some highlights of this week:

1. We had a leadership meeting broadcasted from Argentina with Elder Cook. It was great and they really focused on our roles as leaders and how we need to work together for the work of salvation.

2. Hermana Lopez has a year in the mission

3. Javiera had to change her date to the 19th because she will be out of town on the 12th (if you could keep this in your prayers that would be awesome!)

4. We had a primary birthday party and had two investigators there and got to eat some goodies. (TOUCHDOWN)

5. Stake conference was so good. One thing they mentioned was the difference between pleasure and happiness. We need to make sure we are seeking after happiness. And hint hint the gospel=happiness.

6. I got my birthday package and lots of birthday letters.

7. I finally saw Meet the Mormons and it was SO GOOD.

8. We went to an interactive muesum and got to see what a 8.6 earthquake would feel like. It was fun.

9. Sad news Hermana Betancourht went home today. Her knees were so bad and she was in a lot of pain. She will be missed but she worked hard and was a great missionary.

I love you all and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I am so jealous. Eat some turkey, pie and mashed potatoes for me. Be good. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE.
Hermana Showalter