Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bipolar weather and 3 weeks to go..

So, Maddie didn't send any pictures. So, I thought I would show you how hard we are working getting ready for her return!

Hey everyone! 

Well this week I feel like we passed through all the seasons. We had cold rain, hot sun, windy cloudy days and perfect spring days. Let me tell you it is very hard to get dressed in the morning because you never know! 

Well here is what happened this week:

Tuesday. We had a lesson but it fell through so we walked and contacted.

Wednesday. Intercambios. Hermana Mendez came to visit me! We visited a man named Juan who has like a million amazing questions. It is always pretty intresting with him. We taught him the plan of salvation. Then we visited Juana, who forgets everything in 5 minutes but she is very sweet. 

Thursday. We had a family home evening with Aldo and Patricia to celebrate that  Aldo passed his English exam. We ate pancakes with peanut butter and some really yummy Argentino desserts.

Friday. Intercambios again. I was with Hermana Cordeiro. We visited Jorge and Maribel. Then Hermana Carmen. Then there was a family home evening in the church for a missionary who just returned from Africa. And Jorge and Maribel came to the FHE!

Saturday. We painted the house of Patricia and Aldo. IT WAS SO FUN. I have tried to paint something my whole mission and my dream came true.

Sunday. We got a new mission leader who is pretty awesome. Then a FHE with Hermana Cecilia and her family. We made brownies.

Monday. District class. Lunch with Hermana Lockling. Planning. We visited Hermana Veronica and Vernanda.

Tuesday. We had a completado with Hermana Garcia and Hermana Jacinto. Then we met up with Javiera. I said goodbye to Javiera.

No photos this week because we forgot the cameara cord. But next week there will be lots!

Something that I learned this week is that angels are messengers from God. That means everyone of us can be an angel. I invite you to be an angel to someone this week.

Have a great week! I love you all.

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Plane Wreck....

Hey everyone.

Tuesday. So good old walking and contacting.

Wednesday. We visited Jorge and Maribel. We talked about who is God and His plan for us. They are really sweet. And their daughter Helen is a cutie. Then we visited Jose Andres with Hermana Cecilia and we talked about missionary work. It has been a while since we have seen him but he is doing pretty good.

Thursday. We visited a less active named Juana Diaz. She has short term memory loss. We told her that the last missionaries who passed gave us her name and she got all emotional and started crying. She told us that her family left her and she doesn't have anyone and it means a lot to her that so one cared about her. We told her this like 10 times and she reacted the same every time. I loved it because it was a really humbling experience for me. I am so blessed.
Friday. I had leadership meeting. Which was so good. We talked about the atonement. Then we ate lunch with Hermana Gilda. After we went and visited the Hermanas in Macul 2.

Saturday. More meetings in the morning. Lunch with familia Fuentes Diaz. We ate Chinese! Then we visited Hermana Gladys and she said she has been thinking a lot about what we had said before and she wants to change.

Sunday. Church. Lunch with Lupe and Rayen. Then we went to the stake center for a missionary activity. It was called trip to Easter island. Where everyone gets on a "plane" they watch the movie of the plane crashing and then they go to different rooms where the kingdoms of glory are and they see how they are really like. It was really a neat experience. And Jorge and Maribel came. Hermana b silva and I sang a duet on Families can be together forever in 3 languages!

Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALLORY. Zone class. I taught about the atonement. We did an activity where Elder Bravo had to do 10 push ups so that everyone could get a cookie whether they wanted it or not. We then were able to not only explain to them the atonement but to help them really understand. I loved teaching it because I learned so much.

Tuesday. Went to a park with the other hermanas and played there for a little bit.

So that was my crazy week. I love you all and I hope that you have an amazing week.

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I know I say it every week but time is passing WAY TOO FAST. Ahhh.

Hey everyone. Another week come and gone. I know I say it every week but time is passing WAY TOO FAST. Ahhh.

Tuesday. We met a really sweet less active that wants to return to church. She shared with us her testimony. It was sweet. It was a kind of a rough day for us because my companion got some bad news from her home.

Wednesday. Interviews with President and Hermana Morgan. I love them. President said, " The changes you have made are not changes to be a missionary but are changes to become a better disciple of Jesus Christ. You can take these changes home with you." We ate lunch with familia Martin ( you pronounce their name Martawn because it is french). Then we visited Hermana Veronica and Marcos and Cecilia.

Thursday. So we had no citas so we walked all day trying to find people. So we had a list of people. We decided to pass for a less active that we have never met before named Gladys. She invited us in. She told us her story and turns out after she was baptized and only active for a year and a half. We started talking about temples and she told us with tears in her eyes that she wants that peace. She told us that she did something that has effected her for so much time and has hurt her and her family. We were able to testify of the power of the atonement. It was one of the most spiritual lessons that I have had on the mission. I know that God sent us there because she told us normally she is never in the house at that time that normally she gets home from work late.

Friday. So I had a meeting on self sufficiency with all the missionaries going home this change. I learned more about studies and budgeting. Then we found 2 investigators from El Salvador, Jorge and Maribel.

Saturday. For lunch we ate Pupusa which is typical dish from El Salvador. Our investigators made them for us. They were so good! Then we visited the hermanas in Macul 2.

Sunday.  I gave a talk. It was kind of big deal because missionaries haven't given talks in a really long time. But the bishop felt inspired to ask me. I feel pretty special and honored. So I gave a talk on how the restoration applies to us. All our appointments fell so we spent a good time walking. But one conserje(like a apartment manager) said to an Asian lady that we were "elders that talked about Buddah" hahaha'

Monday. District class. I hit my 16 MONTH mark. Wow. Time goes fast.

Tuesday. Pday. I finished up buying gifts and then some hermanas came over and we ate tacos and bem casados which is a Brazilian dessert.

I love you all and I appreciate the love and support.

Have an amazing week.

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Every week goes faster and faster... I'ts July already!

It seems like every week goes by faster and faster. I cant believe that it is already JULY!  Ok so here are the haps of the past week.

Tuesday. We met a awesome couple from Venezuela. Freda is a member but her boyfriend isn't. They are great and Freda told us that whatever we needed all we had to do was ask her and she would do it. Why cant all member be like her? Also I have put on my bucket list go to a baseball game in Venezuela. I heard it is quite the show. But of course when the country is a little better.
Wednesday. We found a crazy old guy named Juan Sepulveda and he wants to know what is after this life.

Thursday. Divisions. Hermana Maimone came to my sector with me. She is so chill and probably one of the best Argentinians I know. Our citas fell. But we were able to help Hermano Aldo with his English because he had an exam on Friday. Oh and for lunch the Hermana served us lunch and then went upstairs and did stuff so we were left to eat alone. One of the most awkward lunches I have had.

Friday. We had LOTS of citas. It was AWESOME. We had a noche de hogar with Hermana Carmen and Eliana and we made brownies. I earned lots of brownie points. Then we had another noche de hogar with Millaray and her family. And at the end of the lesson her husband prayed!!! It was a miracle. It was his first time.

Saturday. We found a 19 year old girl named Gloria from Peru!

Sunday. We had lots of meetings. I think we spent like 7 hours at church.

Monday. Fourth of July. We didn't do anything special. But we did have a noche de hogar with Hermana Veronica and we made brownies with her.

Today. Pday. We had a zone activity. We played soccer and a few minute to win it games. Then we went to a party with Hermana Araujo, Pacheco, Saramiento and a few other Hermanas and we ate tacos.

So that pretty much covers it. I would like to ask everyone to keep in your prayers my companion Hermana B Silva because today she got some bad news that her cousin has passed away and it is pretty hard on her. Thanks so much.

I love you all.

Hermana Showalter