Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lots of visits and a Big Fight!

Hey everyone. My life this past week was the following:

Martes. A lesson with Fabiola. We drank juice, ate cookies and watched the restoration video. Every time I watch it is so crazy to think that that happened so close to my house and I know I am so blessed to live so close to the Sacred Grove!

Miercoles. We had zone conference. We focused a lot on studies. It was great as always. BUT after
Hermana Rodriguez and I left and we started to feel sick. By the time we got to our apartment we had fevers and upset stomachs. We rested for a little bit but missionary work doesn't wait for us so we decided to leave to go to our citas. We visited Elias and Herminda (WHO ARE THE BOMB) and Alexandra.

Jueves. Still a little sick in so we stayed in for a little to do studies. We ate SO MANY noodles for lunch. I didn't know I could eat so many. I think it was a record. We had quite a few citas. We visited Marcela (NEW INVESTIGATOR), Camila, and Judith. Judith is a recent convert who is 12 years old and she is finally trusting in us which is so much progress.

Viernes. An awkward lunch with a family. I basically talked the whole time. I can pretty much make a conversation out of nothing or talk to myself. What can I say it is a gift. The hermana leaders came and we contacted. There was a big fight in our sector. The cops came. We were safe..( NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT MOM). Then we visited Marcia, Elias and Herminda, Familia Vargas and then Susana and her family. Hermana Susana got a puppy and it is REALLY cute. I may not be able to hold babies BUT I can hold puppies.

Sabado. Visited Maria in the morning. Lunch with Hermana Susana and her family. We went to a baptism in the old ward of Hermana Rodriguez and I got to see Hermana Pacheco.

Domingo. Church. Lunch with Maria Victoria. She did serve yourself. I LOVE HER. We visited Elias and Herminda  and Adriana.

Lunes. Zone class. We had lunch with Hermana Marisol. Visited Edmundo (NEW) with Hermana Mabel. Had a meeting with Hermano Gonzalo. He is the BOMB. Family home evening with Judith. We did S´mores.

Martes. We got together with a huge group of sisters who are going home to do a goodbye party.
That was my week. I hope you all had a great week.

LOVE YOU, Be awesome!
Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

It's been a YEAR!


1. Splits with Hermana Acedo. We walked and contacted a lot but had a great day. Colo Colo(soccer team) was playing and their stadium is in the sector we were in so we could hear the cheering. On the inside I was dying... I wanted to go.

2. March 11th. ONE WHOLE YEAR ON THE MISSION. We had a noche de hogar and acted out Lehi´s dream. We had a pretty good turn out and our Haitian investigators came.


3. Went to the temple to watch Javiera do baptisms for the dead. She did a family name for me. Ann Snowden. It was really special. I love Javiera.


4. Sunday we had a regional conference. The main topics - happiness and covenants.

5. We had a missionary fireside. We went and sang. Hermana Aponte came to visit with her family. One thing I learned at the fireside was the power of music. I realized that music might be a way that we can reach the members here. Needless to say the obra missional (missionaries and ward missionaries) are singing a musical number for our ward. We aren't professionals or anything but it doesn't sound that bad.

6. We hiked the Quebrada de Macul (a nearby mountain) as a zone. I got a little sunburned. It was beautiful and we were able to do our studies up there. I loved being in nature. I forgot how much I can feel God's love in the beautiful creations that he has made. Being there I was able to ponder and really connect with my Father in heaven.
I love you all and have a great week!

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Highlights of my week!

Hey everyone here are the highlights of this week:

1.This week was Stake Conference. It was so inspiring, I learned so much. Our mission president talked about how prophets in the times of the bible are as the stake presidents of today. They are men called of God and receive revelation for their stake. It helped me to open my eyes to see my leaders as God does.

2. Also this past Saturday I was able to go to baptism of an elderly lady that I taught in a past sector. It was amazing to see her baptism. Hermana Lopez and I were talking about how the first time we met her see told us she loved our visits but she wasn't going to change so she would understand if we didn't pass by anymore. I don't know why we kept passing by probably because we didn't have anyone and we didn't want to walk 24\7 but one day we decided that if she didn't change we were going to drop her, so we talked about temples and she changed. It was one of the most rewarding moments in my mission.

3. We bought a yoga ball for 3 dollars!

4. An elderly couple  who are investigating the church are going to get married so that they can get baptized. Elias and Herminda. We haven't set a date yet but it is all systems go! So keep them in your prayers.

5. We went to the temple today.

6. It is official I will be on an airplane home on AUGUST 15th 2016.

I hope you guys have a great week. Work hard and smile.

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Loving the sunny weather but it is raining inside our apartment!

Hey everyone here are the weekly highlights of another fun week!

1. I am going to start with the spiritual. In zone class I learned about how we need to apply the healing power of the temple in our lessons. It was an answer to my prayers because lately I have been pondering how I can talk to people about the temple who have broken families or don't have families or who don't want to be with their families. I have been so focused on forever families that I have forgotten to talk about how we can go to the temple for peace and answers. It was a good reminder that the temple is much more than a place where people get married.

2. The pipes broke in the apartment above us so on Wednesday it was raining in our apartment. We were literally using umbrellas inside.

3. 34 DEGREES LIKE EVERYDAY (90's for you Americans). They say that summer is going to last until may or June! So if I don't make it home in august it is because I melted. ( I think I have been around Latinos too long because I am becoming very dramatic)

4. We had a family home evening on Lehi´s dream and it was pretty cool.

5. Hermana Mabel had her baby and named him Dario Chavez.

6. Hermana Rodriguez and I made pizza today.

7. So we had this reference named Maria. So we decided to pass for her. She was super great and receptive so we are getting ready to invite her to be baptized and then she gets up and whispers in our ears that she was already baptized! But she hid it from her husband but she wants us to visit her again.

Everything else is going well. I love you all and I hope you guys have an amazing week!


Hermana Showalter