Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I love going to the temple!

Hey everyone. Week one of the new cambio done and overall a pretty dang good week. Not too much to report but here are the highlights:

1. One of our golden investigators just stopped working on the weekends. Do you know what that means? If you said òh my goodness she can go to church`you are right! We are so excited because she is progressing a lot but was not able to go because she worked EVERY Sunday but not any more!

2. We did a temple tour with Miriam a different investigator who is sweet. She felt the spirit and I LOVE LOVE LOVE going to the temple.

3. We helped one of our investigators with his empanada business for a little bit since he was a little short staffed. His business is called Masaborsa. It was a blast and just call me a master chef.

4. This Pday we cooked with Hermana Waldy and made coconut cake. Which is SO DELICIOUS.

Not too crazy this week but full of lots of little miracles. Everyday God blesses us. I invite you all to look at the little miracles that happen everyday because they are there. 

Love you all.

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I met Santa Claus!

Hey everyone. Hope you had a great week. As for Hermana Lopez and I we finished off the transfer pretty strong. Some highlights:
1. Javiera our golden investigator came to church! She wore a long modest skirt with heels and looked so pretty. The only thing stopping her is her parents. Her parents don't really like the church but little by little and I know she will be baptized.
2. We made chocolate chip cookies with some investigators and it was a fail so we have to do a redo... I fail as a gringa. I cant even speak good English.
3. We had a bunch of family home evenings. I love family home evenings and when I get home I will never miss a week.
4. We did a ward family home evening about the Sabbath day and did ice cream SUNDAYS. It was a hit. We had a great turn out. 

5. Monday it POURED rain, Yay missionary work in the rain.
6. We contacted Santa Claus. No joke. Well, that is his job in December. Haha it was pretty funny but now I know where Santa takes his vacation. Santiago Chile. 
7. We did zone shirts and I think they turned out pretty cool.

Anyways I hope you guys have a very awesome week. I love you all and always remember to pray and read your scriptures.
Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I'm still not legal!

Hey everyone I don't have much time but this was my week:
1.We went to get my carnet (visa) so I can be legal here but they are on strike (again) so no luck with that. But it wasn't a surprise because they are always on strike. I'm not even joking...
2. We have been working with an Hermana in the ward on her family history and we final got her a name to take to the temple!
3. Chile beat Brazil 2-0 on Thursday. VIVE CHILE
4. An investigator bought us a chocolate bar for our visit and was so excited to give it to us because it was his favorite kind.
5. We had an awesome lesson with Javiera who is the best investigator in the whole wide world.
6. We went to the temple today and out for ice cream. Both the temple and the ice cream were delicious. 
7. I now have 7 months done, 11 to go!
8. Monday we walked all day and I now have more sympathy for my pioneer ancestors.
Have a great week everyone I love you all. And I invite you to go to the temple as soon as possible because it is the house of the Lord and I know that  there we can find the peace and answers where we cant find anywhere else. 
Hermana Showalter
​Matias and kitties​

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Great week!

Hey everyone. Well this week was a great one but I am a little short on time but here are the highlights:
1. I had a lesson with a new investigator in a parked car. Yes a car. It was a little strange but hey it was a pretty good lesson.
2.Yesterday we had a really fun noche de hogar(Family Home Evening) with 2 families on agency and played some games.
3. Conference of course was amazing. I loved how it focused on centering our lives on Christ, having the holy ghost and the Sabbath day. Not to mention our 3 new apostles. It was amazing!
4. We had a meeting with all of the mission and I have been trying to teach simply and with the spirit.
5. We ate some panqueque pizza. It is like crepe pizza. A recent converted was so proud of himself.
6. Many more prayers we answered. PRAY because I know with out a doubt that it works. We were running late to a meeting and we were praying that the bus would pass so we could be on time. Well no bus that we needed was passing and this one bus that was in transit stopped and asked us a question we answered and then he offered us a ride all the way to where we needed to go! God listens to us.
7. It has been REALLY COLD. so much for spring...
8. We were contacting people yesterday and one man was talking to us for like 20 minutes and just giving us compliments. It was really touching to see this man who wasn't a member telling us how much he admired us. It made me realize that I am doing good here and that God does really need me.
9. Today we went over to a member from Bolivia`s house and made a Brazilian dish called Feijoada. It was really yummy and when I get home I will teach you mom.

Anyways have a great week. I love you all and as Elder Holland said "You are doing better than you think you are" Keep moving forward because better days are ahead.
Hermana Showalter