Monday, May 25, 2015

I love going to the temple.

Happy Memorial Day everyone. I actually forgot it was Memorial Day
until my mom reminded me... Probably because it is cold here.  Yay,
another winter for me because the coldest winter ever in upstate New York wasn’t enough! But don’t worry, I won’t murmur like Laman and Lemuel.

This week was a great week for us. We found a bunch of people to teach and had five investigators in the Capilla. Whoops, I meant church. My brain no longer solely functions in English. Now it is in Spanglish.

So my new companion is also a sister leader so we still do lots of interchanges with other sister missionaries. This week we had an interchange with the other sisters
in our ward. A little funny since we all live together and everything but
still a bunch of fun. I love our little pension of 6 Hermanas.

Hey, guess what? This week we had this guy contact us and ask for a Book
of Mormon, he actually asked us for one. My mouth dropped open. He said he
read something on the Internet about Moroni and now we have a cita (appointment)
with him. I am so excited to teach him.

Also this past Saturday I was able to go to the temple with Hermana Valladares to witness a temple sealing. It was a menos activo couple that was reactivated. The ceremony was beautiful. They were so happy and it just helped me realize my real purpose here in Chile. It is to bring families to the temple, not just to
baptism. Missionary work isn’t just numbers and baptisms; rather it is about
temples and families.

This week was Hermana Yasna Toloza´s birthday - on the same day as my Mom’s (May 21). Go figure, my mom and my mission mom have the same birthdays. We had some cake and sang the Spanish version of Happy Birthday. Which, by the way, is not the same as the one in English, which I found out as we were singing, so I sounded wayyyy off tune. They all just laughed at me and said oh, gringa. Which is a response that I get quite a bit....

To end on a funny note: So I was contacting with Hermana Vergara on
cambios and I go up to one man and I am asked him  "can I give you a card?" (in Spanish and not English) and then he is all like "hey sorry I don’t
speak English" and I am all like "well that’s cool because I speak
Spanish" and he is all "oh ok yeah" takes the card and leaves. Ha-ha I
got him. Gingra power.

Anyways have a good week and enjoy Memorial Day.

Hermana Showalter

PS: If you are planning on writing an email to me please send it before
12pm my time on Mondays because we read our emails in the morning and
then we email back at 5pm. If you email in the morning your response
is going to be a lot better because I can actually take time to think
about a response. Thanks!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Highlights of my week!

My Chile Family
To everyone that speaks English.
Another week has come and gone and guess what? Two months already done. Time is going crazy fast. I first would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my perrito(dog) Sage. If you see my dog give her a hug because she is awesome. Also, it is my beautiful young skinny mother’s birthday. Everybody better tell her Happy Birthday because my mom is the best - literally. Not even lying. I can’t lie because ya know I am a missionary.
So just some highlights of my week
1. Heard my first gun shot (don’t worry mom it was really far away and not even in my sector)
2. This big black dog was trying to play with Hermana Stokes. It wouldn’t let her pass and was jumping and barking. She didn’t think it was very funny but I found it a little comical. 
3. We didn’t divisions with the CCM (MTC for you Americans). So, fun we had a Hermana named Hermana Hatch from Idaho and she was super fun and we even got a baptismal date with her. Look at us go.
4. Kind of sad but one of our investigators dropped us but on the bright side she gave us chocolate. It was sad but also a little humorous. Or maybe my humor has just gotten really bad, Yeah probably that.

5. We had a cake party in our pension (apartment)
6. We found out that in our mission there is an In-n-Out burger. Wahoo! Next p day I think so..
7. Had a super fun noche de hogar (Family Home Evening) with the Tolozas. 

8. Well, it is actually funny but I kind of almost choked on rice at the Bishop’s house and then to top it off for dessert they served kiwi, which I am allergic to. I can only imagine what the bishop thinks of me haha.
Well, that was my week. Hope all is well with all of you. LOVE YOU ALL. 
Love Hermana Showalter

Oh also Hermana Martin got me this sweet shirt because it had my name on it..

Add caption

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Everyone,

Happy late Mother’s Day to all you Wonderful Moms out there! You are awesome and some of my biggest role models. Keep up the good work. 

 Happy BIRTHDAY to my wonderful, young and talented Grandma... 25 never looked so good! Also Happy Birthday to some of the best cousins - Steele, Zach, Trevor and Read. Eat some cake for me!

So it was my first week with my new companion and let me tell you we killed it. Well we didn’t kill anything; we just did some missionary work. But our sector (area she is responsible for) is pretty bomb. I love it here. No, crazy stories this week, sorry Ross. Although this one guy said, "beautiful ladies, come my way" of course he said that in Spanish. I didn’t say anything out loud but in my head I replied with " sure if your way is to baptism no problem". I think I am pretty funny but my humor might just be getting worse. HE HE.

I got to talk to the most amazing people this week: MY FAMILY.  They are awesome of course and it was so great to see them. I thought it would be really hard to say goodbye to them but I’m not sure how …I have felt closer to them through my mission. I have realized the importance of my family on my mission. Everyone needs to go tell their family that they love them right now because your family is the biggest blessing in you life. GO DO IT! Trust me I am right. I love you all and have an amazing week. Please keep Hermana Vergara in your prayers. She is one on the sister missionaries in my pension (area) and a boy that she was engaged with Dear Janed her. It has been really hard on her so she could use some extra love. Ugh boys are dumb. [No offense to any boys reading this]. 
I hope you are reading your scriptures, saying your prayers and serving others. 
Sending my love from Chile 


Hermana Showalter

This is my twin, Hermana Martin.  Some how we always seem to dress similar!

Monday, May 4, 2015

I love seafood...not really!

Hello Everyone

Ok well I started off the week super strong. I got THREE LETTERS -Two from my mom and one from Jenna Workman!  I hope Jenna is reading this SHOUT OUT to her.
I got to recite the first vision left and right and I even invited some people to baptism but they said no... but anyways awesome right! I had cambios (companion exchanges) again and I had fun with Hermana Philips. OH MY GOODNESS.. I had to eat a HUGE plate of seafood. I REALLY don’t like seafood. It was awful but I ate it and I even told her it was super delicious. I never want to do that again but beggars can’t be choosers!  So, if some puts seafood in front of me I will eat it.  
So I am no longer with Hermana Valladares, she got sent to a different location.  I am now with Hermana Stokes. I am so stoked (bad joke, I know)!  She is 19 from Utah and she has been out 9 months. I stayed in Trinidad so out of the 2 of us I am the only one who kind of has a clue about our sector. So, any prayers my way would be great because I am just a little stressed out. I know that God has a purpose for me and I just have to trust in him. Saying goodbye to Hermana Valladares was really hard but I have already told her that we she is coming to my house for Thanksgiving when we are both home, heads up mom. When people say they meet their best friends on their mission, they aren’t lying. Listen to the cliché missionary advice because it is actually right. 
I love you all and I would just like to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day!  To the rest of you who read this -you better do something really awesome for your Mom because Moms are amazing!

Hermana Showalter