Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Living the missionary dream...

Hey everyone here is what happened this week..

Tuesday. We visited Hermana Carmen and her neighbor Eliana. They were so sweet and gave us Arroz con leche. It was pretty good. We were able to share a little with them.

Wednesday. Well we walked a lot. But we did manage to visit Hermana Veronica for a little bit. Also a woman contacted us and asked us to pray for her friend who has cancer. It is always neat when people contact us because it shows me that there are people looking for God.

Thursday. Another day of walking and contacting. Living the missionary dream.

Friday. Leadership meeting with President. He talked about the importance of being a good leader and disciple of Christ. Also he talked about the importance of looking for the good in all things. Then we had a heart to heart with Patricia and Aldo. They are so great. I love Hermana Patricia so much. She reminds me a lot of Aunt Jo.

Saturday. Another meeting. Then a ward activity. A thing that they do in the south of Chile called a Curanton. Which is like a seafood soup with chicken and pork too. It was a real fun activity. Then we visited Hermana Jimenez and she told us her conversion story. And the USA lost to Colombia...

Sunday. HERMANA B SILVA TURNED 20 YEARS OLD. It was her birthday. I made her a birthday cake and decorated our room. We went to church and to our surprise 2 inactive members came to church out of the blue. It was awesome. We had lunch with Hermana Lupe and Rayen. They made Arabian food. SO GOOD. Then we had a pretty great lesson with Gonzalo and Fabiola our new investigators. After a once with the Relief Society. We sang happy birthday to Hermana B Silva. We had to return to the pension early because of the Copa America. So we had a little party at home. And hey CHILE WON AGAIN. I have some major Chile pride going on!

Monday. Zone meeting. I taught a little bit on looking for the good and we played poisonous dart frog. We had a good time. Then planning in the night. We also met a less active named Julio and he shared a lot of stories with us. He has been to 19 countries! Pretty neat.

Today. We went to Puente Alto because I ordered some pretty cool scripture cases. Then we ate at McDonalds because that is what my comp wanted for her birthday lunch.

I love you all. Remember to look for the good in life.

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

It's my last change( possible transfer)! Will I stay or will I go.....

Hey everyone so here is what I got up to this week. 

Tuesday. A less active named Millaray called us and asked us to pass by. So we did and she told us that she wanted to return to the church. It was amazing and she is pretty great.

Wednesday. Noche de Hogar with Hermana Veronica, we taught her how to make chocolate chip cookies.

Thursday. We helped a nine year old named Jesus with his english... he is probably the cutest kid I have seen in Chile.

Friday. We had lots of visitas! It was great. We were able to visit Patricia and Aldo. Then an less active family that we met for the first time. Then Jose Andres and we went with Hermana Cecilia ( who is the best).

Saturday. We went and visited Hermana Mendoza and Hermana Cordeiro.  The elders had a baptism in our ward. We did a special musical number and it turned out pretty good for not being very musically talented.

Sunday. Millaray came to church with us! Then we found 2 new investigators. They were references given to us. We have passed several times and they are never there. On our way to a visita with an investigator I kept getting the impression that we should pass by. I kept telling myself no because they wouldnt be there but in the end I said why not. We passed and they were there and then they were talking to us and had great questions. There names are Fbiola and Gonazalo. Then we had a lesson with Lider. After we swung by Hermana Cecilia`s house to use her bathroom. IT WAS COLD!

Monday. Cambios. Hermana B Silva and I are staying together in Ñuñoa 2 for my last change. My motto this change WORK WORK WORK. Then we had a family home evening with  the Sanchez family and the relief society president.

Tuesday. Hermana Garcia and Hermana Jacinto came over and we made completos and a brazilian dessert with pineapple. I LOVE BRAZILIAN FOOD. 

Well that sums it up. Just want to share this quote from Sister Oscarson "We need to get the gospel from our heads into our hearts"

Love you all!

Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A MEGA Sandwich, Lemon mousse, Smores and dirt cups...

 Hey everyone!

Wednesday. FULL OF CITAS. We went cita to cita to cita to cita to cita. It was the best. I wish everyday could be like it. And we are working hard so they can be like it. 

Thursday. So a sister missionary in our zone had surgery so we went over to visit her. We did exchanges for a little bit. She is doing good. I left with her comp since she was in bed. We walked and contacted. There was a drunk man on the sidewalk and when we passed he began to kind of chase us and so we ran for like five minutes to get away. Nothing happened. I am fine but I got a little exercise!

Friday. We ate a MEGA Sandwich (SEE PICTURE). No I didn't eat it all. But it was sure yummy. Then we walked quite a bit and contacted.

Saturday. 15 MONTHS in the mission. Time is flying. We visited Hermana Veronica and helped her because her sister is passing through a very hard time. Then we walked a little more. In the night Hermana B Silva made me Lemon mousse (which they eat a lot in Brazil) to celebrate.

Sunday. Hermana B Silva completed 2 months in the mission. We celebrated with Smores.

Monday. Clase de distrito and planning. We made dirt cups because I got my package!!!!

Tuesday. Zone activity. We played soccer, ping pong and missionary hide and go seek.
I know a lot of my pictures include food but I promise you I did more than eat! 

Have a great week!
Hermana Showalter 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The hills of Santiago and Brazilian food, it was a good week!


So here are the haps of this week.

So Wednesday we had intercambio with the Hermana assistants. We went to their sector which is a town a little ways out of Santiago in the hills. I was with Hermana Bajaña. We had a great time and when we were walking with their recent convert Claudio he bought us sopaipillas! 

Then Friday we had more intercambios but Hermana Velzaquez and Maimone came to our sector. We had a family home evening as a ward and we did Lehi's dream. We had the people pass for obstacles to get the tree of life. it turned out pretty great. We had lots of fun.

 Oh and I had a meeting with the the zone leaders and Hermana training leaders. 

Saturday I had a meeting with the leaders in the zone. Then Herminda got baptized!!! She is an investigator from Nuevo Amanecer that like 2 months ago got married. So I got to go to her baptism! Rain and hail too! 

Monday we had zone class and Hermana Mendoza and I did a pretty cool activity with the missionaries. Then we all ate completos together. And lastly today Hermana B Silva and I got together with 4 other sisters and made Brazilian food! We made coxinha and bolo de prestigo. It was pretty good. I will have to try it when I get home. (YES mom I have the recipes).  

My week was a crazy one. I cant even explain all of it. But everything is going great. I love you all. 

Have a great week!

Hermana Showalter