Tuesday, April 26, 2016

If I was a super hero my name would be BLACK SHADOW!

Hey everyone. Here is the weekly update.

So we have an awesome investigator named Jose Andres he is a 26 year old lawyer who was a Jehovah Witness. He is pretty great. He reads the Book of Mormon and really has an interest in coming closer to God. We invited him to be baptized and he said he needs to pray about it so keep him in your prayers please.

On Thursday we walked a lot. So we played a game where we went back and forth asking questions. One of mine was what would your super hero name be? Hermana Araujo said Hidden Light and I said Black Shadow. I think they have lots of potential.

Saturday and Sunday was Stake conference. My second this year. It rained some more. But on Sunday Nayeli and Saul came to church. They are 14 year old twins from Peru that love the church. It was very inspired and I loved every bit of it. One thing that I want to share is what President Morgan said. He asked us "What are we busy in?" I know that we all have super busy lives but I like his invitation. "GET BUSY IN GOD`S WORK" I think we can all agree that all too very often we are busy in things that in the end just don't really matter. I invite you to do just as President Morgan has said.

And then on Monday, yesterday, we had lots of citas! Finally we didn't have to walk so much. It was sure a nice break and I love teaching people.

Today is pday again. We went to the temple. I was able to do a family name, Ann Snowden. I totally one hundred percent believe what the prophets say about doing family names. Doing this name I felt something that I have never felt before. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I invite you all to take family names because I know that you will feel the spirit of Elijah and receive many blessings. Also something crazy is that in the session there was a set of sisters in the north mission. After we left the temple, the gringa sister came up to me and asked me if I was Maddie Showalter. I obviously said yes and in that moment was so confused because I did not know this girl. She went on to tell me that she knows my room mates from BYU. Well it turns out that Sister Moon took my spot when I left BYU. She became the new room mates of my room mates. And she said that she had heard a lot about me. (She didn't say if it was good stuff or bad...) So that was way crazy.

That was my week. I love the mission so much and the mountains are breath taking because  they are all covered with snow.

Always remember "for walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7
Have a great week!
Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lots of rain,flooding and mircales this week.

Hey everyone!!!

One miracle that I saw this week was one of our appointments fell through so we decided to pass by a new investigator of the other Hermanas. Well, right as we arrived a Hermana from the church was arriving at this same building. Turns out Hermana Carmen lives with this investigator. When we greeted her, she told us that she had been praying that help would come because she needed help going to the store. She had to buy lots of things but only had one arm because she uses a cane. She said that God had answered her prayers and sent us. So we were able to help her with her groceries. Although it seemed so small to me I was able to see God´s love for his children. God truly loves us and listens to us. He sends us answers in the form of scriptures, promptings and people!

This week God testified to me that I can receive answers through the scriptures. These are just a few scriptures that have recently helped me through my trials:

"That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God" 1 Corinthians 2:5

"Prove all things, hold fast that which is good" 1 Thessalonians 5:21

"Let all things be done decently and in order" 1 Corinthians 14:40

"For by faith stand ye" 2 Corinthians 1:24

"Look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not" D&C 6:36

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" Matthew 6:21

This week we also had interviews with President Morgan and he is the best. I love him so much. Also we went to Santa Lucia today which is like a big mall outside, with lots of little stands and there is a hill there that you can climb and see all of Santiago. Pretty cool. Oh and we had LOTS of rain this week. So much that rivers and streets were flooding and for 24 hours the water was shut off in Santiago. So things were pretty crazy here.
It rained and the smog is gone, we can see the mountains!

I love you all. Have a great week!
Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I got SHOT!

Well, this week has been pretty good, minus the fact that I got a flu shot! 
We had changes so Hermana Medoza and I were companions for a day. We are two goof balls I understand why president has never put us together. 
I found a scripture that I love. Romans 12:21 "Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with GOOD." 
So it has been pretty hard to receive directions when we contact and so I have not been super motivated to contact. I was kind of talking with Heavenly Father while walking. Telling Him that I didn't like contacting that it was super hard for me and that when people said no it made me want to do it even less. But I promised him I would do it because it is part of the mission and I have to teach my companion how to do it. ya know what? The first person we contacted said yes. Straight away said yes. I was blown away, I almost couldn't responded back. After that everyone else said no, but it didn't matter because one person said yes. I know that he hears me and cares about me. He showed me that even when its hard if I keep trying, He will bless me. He always has and always will, it is just that sometimes I forget it. 
THIS GIRL THOUGHT I WAS CHILEAN!!! I was so proud! Her name is Yanara and she is 8 years old!
Also we had a ward activity where we played basketball. I was in HEAVEN. And not to brag or anything but I was pretty good...But afterwords I was kind of sore. It has been a while since I played.  
I hope you all have a great week!
Hermana Showalter

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I got a Colo Colo soccer jersey!

Okay so here is what happened this week!

Went to go pick up my comp from the office but the 4 Brazilian missionaries were lost at the airport for 5 hours! I waited for 5 hours to get my comp. But on the bright side President bought us trainer gelatto while we were waiting.

Went to President's house for training. He has a nice house. We ate sloppy joes. Then after we went to the wedding of Elias and Herminda. It was beautiful and the cake was so good. Hno Gonzalo gave me a Colo Colo jersey.

We walked a lot and taught one lesson. Jose Andres. He is awesome.

Planning. We walked a lot. April Fools Day.

To be completely honest in the beginning of the week I wasn't really looking forward to whitewashing and training. It was hard and I was content where I was. I guess in the beginning I had a bad attitude. Well while I was walking to  conference in my head I was kind of mumbling with Heavenly Father asking him where were our miracles that we deserved? Why weren't we having any success? We had been in our sector for 4 days and with all the contacting and trying to find people had only been able to teach one person. God is so perfect that in that moment he answered my prayer. As we were walking to the stake center 2 elderly ladies asked us what church we belonged to and we talked to them for a little bit. One of them asked if they could go to the church with us. So they went to conference with us. One didn't really like it but Maria loved it. They couldn't stay the whole time but Maria said that she is going to return. We attempted to get their addresses but they gave quite a few excuses, so we ended up giving them just the first folleto. I know that this miracle doesn't make our numbers and datos any better but it reminded me of why I am here and that God is mindful of me. Conference was also so great.

More conference 馃榿. We met some members in our ward. I was sick so I got a blessing and I felt so much better after (don't worry mom). Then in the night we listened to Coldplay because they were performing in the nation stadium which is in our ward.

WE FOUND PEOPLE. And we had zone class.
I love my companion. She is from San Paulo Brazil and is so much like me. She has 2 brothers and is the second child. Our whitewash has been kind of hard but we are enjoying everyday
love you all!

Hermana Showalter

Monday, April 4, 2016

Got told this week.. It's the mission Baby, you are going to die."

Hey everyone well exciting news for me. This week were changes and I am leaving Nuevo Amancer. I am doing whitewash #3 and training in 脩u帽oa 2. Looks like I might die. No just kidding. I feel like I am on a roller coaster but like in the beginning before it starts because I am excited but also scared. But as Hermana Sarmiento says "It's the mission baby, you are going to die!"
So my week was THE BEST. Here is what happened:

1. We have an elderly couple named Elias and Herminda. They aren't married but want to get baptized. So we asked Hermana Marisol to get an hour for their wedding thinking that it would be in a few weeks or maybe even months and last Thursday that she found a date for March 30th and that the only other available dates were for July. I think I almost fainted because when she told us I thought there was NO WAY that Elias and Herminda would be willing to get married in 6 days. Well, in the end they are getting married on Wednesday and then going to get baptized on the 30th of April!!  And even though I left the sector I get to go to their wedding!

2. One day randomly we passed by an old investigator but the number didn't exist. We asked someone who lived on the street if they knew Ximena and they pointed to a house. Ximena wasn't there but her daughter, Camila, was there and she told us that she was a member. She went on to tell us that about 2 weeks ago she had the desire to go to church but in the end didn't because of her son. We invited her to church and offered to pick her up. She came on Sunday. I sat next to her and she told me that when she saw us at her house the only thing she wanted to do was cry and hug us because we were the answer to her prayers. It was a moment that I will never forget because I know that God is mindful of everyone of his children.

3. We made s´mores with Judith. They weren't quite as good as the ones at home because here they don't have graham crackers. But hey you got to do what you got to do.

4. We went to the temple and did a tour with another less active named Camila and it was great. I love the temple so much!

5. The elders had a baptism on Saturday. Carlos Pino. It was a really nice baptism and Carlos even bore his testimony.

 6.Happy Easter. I didn't really do anything special but I did eat a chocolate egg. Oh and the missionaries did the a special number. Now I know you all are thinking "Maddie sings? hmmm I never knew" my answer to that is I don't sing but I did it for a great cause.

Well I love you all. I hope you had a wonderful Easter and I hope you see the miracles that happen in your life everyday.

Hermana Showalter