Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bipolar weather and 3 weeks to go..

So, Maddie didn't send any pictures. So, I thought I would show you how hard we are working getting ready for her return!

Hey everyone! 

Well this week I feel like we passed through all the seasons. We had cold rain, hot sun, windy cloudy days and perfect spring days. Let me tell you it is very hard to get dressed in the morning because you never know! 

Well here is what happened this week:

Tuesday. We had a lesson but it fell through so we walked and contacted.

Wednesday. Intercambios. Hermana Mendez came to visit me! We visited a man named Juan who has like a million amazing questions. It is always pretty intresting with him. We taught him the plan of salvation. Then we visited Juana, who forgets everything in 5 minutes but she is very sweet. 

Thursday. We had a family home evening with Aldo and Patricia to celebrate that  Aldo passed his English exam. We ate pancakes with peanut butter and some really yummy Argentino desserts.

Friday. Intercambios again. I was with Hermana Cordeiro. We visited Jorge and Maribel. Then Hermana Carmen. Then there was a family home evening in the church for a missionary who just returned from Africa. And Jorge and Maribel came to the FHE!

Saturday. We painted the house of Patricia and Aldo. IT WAS SO FUN. I have tried to paint something my whole mission and my dream came true.

Sunday. We got a new mission leader who is pretty awesome. Then a FHE with Hermana Cecilia and her family. We made brownies.

Monday. District class. Lunch with Hermana Lockling. Planning. We visited Hermana Veronica and Vernanda.

Tuesday. We had a completado with Hermana Garcia and Hermana Jacinto. Then we met up with Javiera. I said goodbye to Javiera.

No photos this week because we forgot the cameara cord. But next week there will be lots!

Something that I learned this week is that angels are messengers from God. That means everyone of us can be an angel. I invite you to be an angel to someone this week.

Have a great week! I love you all.

Hermana Showalter

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