Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Plane Wreck....

Hey everyone.

Tuesday. So good old walking and contacting.

Wednesday. We visited Jorge and Maribel. We talked about who is God and His plan for us. They are really sweet. And their daughter Helen is a cutie. Then we visited Jose Andres with Hermana Cecilia and we talked about missionary work. It has been a while since we have seen him but he is doing pretty good.

Thursday. We visited a less active named Juana Diaz. She has short term memory loss. We told her that the last missionaries who passed gave us her name and she got all emotional and started crying. She told us that her family left her and she doesn't have anyone and it means a lot to her that so one cared about her. We told her this like 10 times and she reacted the same every time. I loved it because it was a really humbling experience for me. I am so blessed.
Friday. I had leadership meeting. Which was so good. We talked about the atonement. Then we ate lunch with Hermana Gilda. After we went and visited the Hermanas in Macul 2.

Saturday. More meetings in the morning. Lunch with familia Fuentes Diaz. We ate Chinese! Then we visited Hermana Gladys and she said she has been thinking a lot about what we had said before and she wants to change.

Sunday. Church. Lunch with Lupe and Rayen. Then we went to the stake center for a missionary activity. It was called trip to Easter island. Where everyone gets on a "plane" they watch the movie of the plane crashing and then they go to different rooms where the kingdoms of glory are and they see how they are really like. It was really a neat experience. And Jorge and Maribel came. Hermana b silva and I sang a duet on Families can be together forever in 3 languages!

Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALLORY. Zone class. I taught about the atonement. We did an activity where Elder Bravo had to do 10 push ups so that everyone could get a cookie whether they wanted it or not. We then were able to not only explain to them the atonement but to help them really understand. I loved teaching it because I learned so much.

Tuesday. Went to a park with the other hermanas and played there for a little bit.

So that was my crazy week. I love you all and I hope that you have an amazing week.

Hermana Showalter

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