Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I found my twin!

Hey everyone well another week has come and gone. I cant believe how fast time is going! This week was a very interesting week. 

1. So we called this one investigator that we had never met and they invited us over for lunch. Cool right? So we get to there house and we wait for them because they aren't there. Well they pull up and we hear the old man say to his wife ´it isn't either one of them`. Then they tell us that they were expecting the other Hermanas. Awkward right and then they told us they were Catholics and they weren't going to change. After they asked us if we could wait for a little bit so they could go pick someone up from the metro. We said yes. Well we waited for an HOUR and they NEVER came back. We even called them. Yes we were ditched. HaHa so we ate lunch in the house.

2. We contacted this old man and at the end he pinched my cheeks. 

3. We made lunch for the senior couple missionaries today who work in the offices and ate with them.

4. We robbed someone. We ate some fruit off a tree that was in someones backyard. So I gave Hermana Lopez a boost and she grabbed a few. Don't worry we have repented.

5. We taught with a seventy, Elder Guiffra. He lives in our sector and so we did a lesson with him and it was AWESOME. His testimony really helped our investigator. I totally have bragging rights.

6. With an investigator we made aji de gallina.

Hope you all have a great week. I will be enjoying my last week as a teenager. Since I turn the big 20 next Tuesday.

Hermana Showalter

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